Component documentation
- Accordion
- Alert dialog
- Alert stack
- Alert
- Avatar
- Badge
- Blank slate
- Bordered list
- Brand
- Button toolbar
- Button
- Card
- Checkbox
- Dialog
- Dropdown
- Error page
- File attachment
- File upload
- Filter pill
- Global banner
- Horizontal ruler
- Icon list
- Input group
- Input icon
- Input
- Key value list
- Loader
- Multi Select
- Navbar
- Or
- Pagination
- Panel
- Popover
- Progress bar
- Radio button
- Select
- Side menu
- Status pill
- Table
- Tabs
- Textarea
- Toolbar
- Tooltip
- Wizard
Use alerts for messaging across the application. Alerts are the primary method to give a user feedback when they interact with the user interface. Provide the user with appropriate feedback to guide their actions.
This page documents the different types of alerts and skins.
#Default with 2 lines
#Alert title
Alert with rich text
#Alert title
#Skins (light)
#A lighter version of the different skins for alerts: default, error, warning and success. The lighter version can be used when displaying larger amounts of content.